Electronics and Technical Research

Feb 27, 2022

In other words, the advertisement, promotion, marketing, sale, shipment, payment and, if necessary, insurance transactions of a product or service are all done on the internet. In general, e-commerce is a three-stage form of activity. The first stage is advertising, promotion and market research studies. In the second stage, ordering and payment processes are made. The third stage is delivery.

Thanks to electronic commerce, the product options of companies have increased and their product quality has increased. Fast payment facilities have emerged for the buyers and the delivery of their products has been accelerated. These opportunities have created an opportunity for potential customers all over the world to notice new products more quickly, to have information about their features and to demand these products. In this way, the entry of new companies in world markets has also gained momentum.

Electronic trade has created an important opportunity in terms of lower-priced and higher-quality products entering the market, increasing competition among companies, but there are also malicious uses. As in every job, unfortunately, people cannot be prevented from turning opportunities into bad ends. As such, it is a common occurrence that front companies emerge, demand expensive fees for poor quality products, send the products very late, or even not send the product at all, even though they have received the money. In the face of such fraudulent events, both people who shop online and honest companies that do this job correctly suffer.

At this point, a lot of work falls on private research institutions and private detective offices. With the electronic and technical research studies carried out, all kinds of electronic transactions are traced and in this way, it is revealed which computers and where the malicious people perform these transactions.

In this sense, technical follow-up and research studies are among the most productive studies by private research institutions and private detective offices. Technical follow-up studies are carried out without exceeding the current legal regulations regarding their limits and content, and results are always obtained. Technical research is carried out with the aim of detecting the computers and mass media used by individuals and organizations, as well as electronic devices used in public spaces and monitoring these tools. Even if the information and documents obtained through the studies are not legally accepted as evidence, they are serious findings in solving the problem.

Virtual follow-up studies are also included in the scope of technical research. Virtual tracking is based on monitoring the internet movements of the accounts used by individuals or organizations in existing social networks on computers or mobile phones. Virtual stalking is the examination of social sites used in the virtual world and the entertainment and social networks used by people for this purpose.

The information in these networks can be seen by others only to the extent allowed, but the backgrounds of these networks can only be seen by experts in this business, except the password owner. If a criminal offense is committed, these accounts can only be monitored by government officials. For this, a coordinated work with social networking centers is required.

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