Private Detective – services in the world

Feb 27, 2022

The term detective has entered our language from foreign languages. The verb to detect in English means to reveal. The French verb detecter has the same meaning. In our language, the word detective is generally used in the sense of secret police or detective. In the dictionaries, the word private detective is defined as a person hired by individuals and organizations to conduct an investigation and paid a fee.

The International Private Detectives Associations explained their private detective activities as follows:

  • Obtaining information and evidence about a person or an event, or collecting information about a person’s whereabouts
  • To follow up, investigate and investigate, to obtain information and evidence on how and under what conditions an item is lost or damaged, and what the extent of the damage is

PNational Detective Agency. Later, with the increase in the level of welfare, private detective work began to emerge as a need for various reasons by ordinary citizens.

Private Detectives, Consultants and Researchers Association operating in our country has also become a member of this federation. The aim of the federation is to protect the standards determined as ethical rules, to harmonize the legal regulations between European countries and to determine the acceptable level when activities that cross their borders are carried out.

In general, the private detective services determined by the International Federation of Private Detectives Associations are:

  • accident investigations
  • blackmail investigations
  • Fake accounting investigations
  • family law research
  • fraud investigations
  • Fraud investigations
  • Lost Investigations
  • Intellectual property research
  • Legal information
  • Legal support
  • Origin determination
  • Undo
  • Status reports
  • observation / follow up
  • theft investigations
  • Trace finder

Today, private detective services are requested by people for various reasons. Spouse tracking, lover tracking, cheating tracking, address detection, evidence collection, child tracking, child friend tracking, student tracking, tracking bad habits, vehicle tracking, spyware tracking, social media tracking, business partner tracking and personnel tracking are only private detective services. are the first to come to mind.

Legal regulations that determine the characteristics, methods of doing business, ethical principles, limits of authority and responsibility of the persons and organizations doing this work have not been made yet. Despite this, these services are provided in practice and the demands are increasing day by day. Therefore, many procedures and principles that will be the basis of legal regulations have started to emerge spontaneously.

In this framework, private detectives are expected to operate as follows:

  • Understanding the objectives of the requested monitoring, follow-up, evidence collection, control and examination and the expectations of the persons or organizations requesting this study
  • To advise persons or organizations requesting detective services on feasibility, compliance, compliance with legal regulations and the results of the service they request.
  • Prepare an investigation plan for the detective work to be undertaken, including financial, legal, time and resource limitations.
  • To apply the most appropriate investigation methods to the characteristics and purposes of the detective work to be done.
  • Reviewing the investigation plan throughout the activity and ensuring that it is modified when necessary.
  • Overcoming potential conflicts of interest.

You can get all kinds of information in the field of private detective services from our company.

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