Too often electronically stored information (ESI) contains key evidence that is overlooked or inadequately collected, leading to a failed investigation.
With trained forensic consultants spread across our global office network, supported by our worldwide team of investigators, we offer nearly unlimited reach to acquire data in the context of investigations and litigation matters.
We are one of a small number firms that can deploy quickly to collect data in jurisdictions with limited technical infrastructure, complex data privacy requirements or hostile environments.
Data mapping services
Working seamlessly with our investigations teams in local languages, we map the key custodians of data and ESI sources for preservation and collection through interviews with client IT, custodians and witnesses.
Control Risks also consults with corporate and outside counsel to ensure compliance with local data privacy and transfer laws.
Forensic analysis and reporting services
Data collected by Control Risks’ forensic consultants can be indexed using both forensic and eDiscovery tools. This enables high-speed searching and retrieval of information according to specific criteria. We can then search and analyse indexed data by various methods including keywords, date ranges and communication metadata.
We also provide expert reporting to document the entire digital forensics process. These reports and witness statements can be used by law enforcement, corporate counsel and law firms.
Forensic imaging and data preservation services
We work to preserve the integrity of live and ambient data to allow defensible analysis and review. When forensic imaging is not possible, we’ll perform defensible secure ESI collections or a targeted collection of data that is digitally fingerprinted to ensure its integrity.
Mobile device, cloud and social media collection services
We can image and extract all types of data from a wide variety of mobile phones, tablets and the cloud.
Cloud source data presents a unique set of challenges in terms of data identification, preservation and acquisition – not to mention data privacy and transfer concerns. In accordance with client requirements and relevant data privacy and transfer laws, Control Risks’ forensic consultants can collect data from cloud services including webmail, hosted data repositories and social media websites.